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Trim Trail added to Moor

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The Moor now has a min-trim trail thanks to the work of community group Friends of the Moor.

Following consultation in 2020 which showed community support for the project, Friends of the Moor has been raising the funds to install a trim trail. The Friends selected wooden framed equipment to fit into the open green feel of the town’s Green Flag park.

The Moor is already a popular space for people keeping fit and the new mini-trail comprises monkey bars, a pull up bar and a sit up bench. The equipment was funded by grants from Manchester Airport Community Trust Fund, Redrow, Arnold Clarke and funds raised by Cllr Peter Coan during his 2018-19 mayoral term. The total cost, inclusive of installation and VAT was just under £8,500.

The equipment has been installed near to the 1st Knutsford Scouts HQ, in a less used part of the Moor. The aim behind its installation is to provide free-to-use exercise equipment for the community to keep fit.

Chair of Friends of the Moor, Adam Keppel-Green said “We wanted to add some discrete equipment to the Moor to help people keep fit and its been really rewarding to see it in use already”

“We’d love to add a few additional pieces in the future, subject to being able to secure grants or donations. But first, we need to fund repairs to the shelter following vandalism and would like to see bins and benches given some attention.” Adam added.

Friends of the Moor is also working with park mangers at Cheshire East Council and ANSA to see the replacement of the fencing around the play area.

Friends of the Moor is always seeking new committee members to help serve as a voice for the Moor and Barncroft and is holding its AGM on Thursday 14th September at 6:30pm, venue to be confirmed.

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