Working to promote the use of the Moor for leisure and recreation in a clean and safe environment.

About the Friends
The Friends of the Moor are a group of volunteers who work together to promote use of the Moor as a public open space for leisure and recreation in a clean and safe environment.
We provide a link between the local community and Cheshire East Council, which owns the Moor. Established in 2005 following the Parks Strategy by the former Macclesfield Borough Council, the group is represented by a committee in line with a constitution and a Heads of Agreement with the borough council.
We work with Cheshire East on a management plan in order to achieve the Green Flag award each year. Knutsford Town Council also appoints a councillor to represent them at our committee meetings and to feedback to council’s Environment Committee.
The Friends are governed by a constitution: download the constitution.

What we do
First and foremost we provide a voice for the local community in all matters Moor. We play a key role in how Cheshire East Council manages the Moor and engage with other stakeholders on matters affecting the Moor as the town's primary park.
We organise two litter picks per year (usually March and October) to galvanise community pride in the Moor and keep the area clean and tidy. We also encourage users of the Moor to undertake litter picks after their events.
We organise an annual birdwatch as part of the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch and participate in the National Play Day by organising an event in August (note, no event in 2017).
The Friends also get involved in projects and fundraising such as for the playarea.
To see what we got up to in 2016: download our 2016 yearbook. You can view the yearbooks from 2009 below!

The Committee
The Committee is appointed annually at our spring AGM. The AGM elects the four officers and other members. The Town Council appoints a councillor to join the committee as a non-voting member.
- Adam Keppel-Green (Chair)
- Jan McCappin (Secretary)
- Jacquie Grinham (Treasurer)
- Andrew Malloy (Deputy Chair)
- Mark Lee-Kilgariff
- Peter Russell
- Stewart Gardiner
- Cllr April Johnson (Knutsford TC)
We are always looking for new Friends of the Moor, as committee members or general volunteers. Contact our Secretary and or Chair to get involved: