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Improved Play Area for 2016

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The Playarea on the Moor is due to reopen on Saturday 22 October.  All the work has been informed by the public and the Friends group and Cheshire East Council ANSA services. Details of the plans were outlined in the Knutsford Guardian and at the Friends AGM in May this year.  The group also attended the Lions street Fayre.

The surfacing required repair and replacement much earlier than expected following the previous new equipment in 2014. As this is a major piece of work it was agreed to bring forward the phase 2 plans we had to replace the playhouse and tree stumps and include some of the ideas that we had received from the families playing there. There will be more swings, a roundabout, two play panels and a new springy. The playhouse will be part of a unit that has a slide down and climb up to satisfy children with abilities between the smaller castle and larger metal & green galaxy units.

The new equipment has been paid for with 106 monies that Cheshire East holds on account for us from various housing developments over the last 10 years. Knutsford Town Council also gave a grant of £1,500. The fencing will be repaired as necessary by ANSA Cheshire East. The surfacing will be a magnificent improvement. The rubber mulch side will be completely relaid, including the old tarmac area.  The loose fill bark area will be less deep as the equipment has been reinstalled with lower footings. The seating will be repositioned where necessary and two new ones ordered with backs AND arm rests.  All the work is within the original play area except the new 5 way swing unit which will be outside to the rear as you look across the Moor with your back to the Town centre.

The Friends group have dedicated themselves to this task and to the annual playday for the previous 15 months. The chair and Vice chair searched in this country and abroad for a playhouse that we hope everyone will agree is fitting and appropriate for the Moor.

The overall objective was to make the play area as inclusive as possible and a showpiece for residents and visitors to the town, whilst retaining a village green feel and not compromising the wider green environment.  Friends of the Moor contact details are on the noticeboard and our next monthly meeting is 12th October at 7pm.

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